I don't know how it feels to have sex with other sex dolls, I've had a wonderful sexual experience with the irontech sex doll. Maybe different sex dolls have different feelings. After comparing several sites, I found that their sex dolls were the most high-end, so they gave me a better experience. Her eyes, hair, breasts type, vagina and butt are all I'm looking for, that's why I choose to have sex with a sex doll, rather than my wife (Although I love my wife very much).
My wife and I have been married for seven years, and maybe we have the seven-year itch. We only have sex twice a year now, that's a little boring. She doesn't like me to talk dirty to her and she won't give me oral or anal sex, I have gradually lost interest in her. I tried to communicate with my wife, she said she was tired and refused to try oral and anal sex with me.
My ai sex doll seems better in sex. She has a perfect body shape, I didn't have to make any effort to make her happy to have sex with me. I can dress her up, do makeup, and let her cosplay as my favorite anime characters and elves. She has human like body parts such as medium breasts, vagina or ass. She can be penetrated in certain positions and even though the can help with sex ability training. She has no material and spiritual requirements for me, I just need to enjoy the process of sex with her. If I had to choose again, I would still choose my Carlee sex doll and I would not spend a ton of money to marry my wife.